Speedy Deletion Nomination
If you have attempted to create an article on Wikipedia and it is seen as not suitable, it can be nominated for a Speedy deletion. So many will be asking, what does this mean to your article and what can be done about it? Speedy deletions can be nominated incorrectly, but that rarely happens.
So what can you do about the nomination? Below we explain the options available to you abiding by Wikipedia rules and regulations.
Why has my article being nominated for Speedy Deletion?
Your article will be given a reason for nomination at the top of the article inside a red notice box. The breakdown of the reason will be covered on Wikipedia itself, or alternatively for a better breakdown, visit speedy deletion explained page of our website.
Nomination can take place as soon as the article is uploaded or years into the future. The best way to avoid this is to ensure the article passes the main criteria, including notability, references and article quality. If your article passes these three criteria, it is unlikely to be nominated for a Speedy Deletion.
Most articles are nominated for one of three reasons, it is either poorly written, has poor references or the editor reading the article doesn’t believe the subject is notable. All of these issues can be addressed and fixed overtime, and in most scenarios it is best to speak to a Wikipedia expert or Wikipedia management company to discuss your best options. The other option available is to discuss it directly with the editor who has nominated the article.
What action should you take?
The first thing to mention is a Speedy Deletion notice shouldn’t be removed, especially if you are the author. Another user can choose to remove the Speedy Deletion notice, if he believes it doesn’t fit the criteria for a speedy deletion. If the speedy deletion is removed, most users will post their reasons on the talk page.
From the authors perspective you have two options, either to accept or contest the decision. By accepting the decision the article will likely be removed within 24 hours of the notice been placed on the article. If you choose to contest the article, you are best contacting a Wikipedia specialist to discuss your options. If you choose to contest the speedy deletion yourself, ensure you focus on the reason for deletion and don’t ramble about why the article should be on Wikipedia.
Hopefully whichever path you take, your article will remain on Wikipedia. In most cases, taking the speedy deletion reason on board and re-uploading an improved article is the most common course of action.
Ensure that you make a copy of the article, because if it is deleted, you won’t be able to view it again.
The article has been removed after a Speedy Deletion notice
If you decide to leave the article to be removed, or contesting the deletion fails you will want to attempt to upload an improved article. It is key that when you do this you get it right the second time. Every time an article is deleted, a note is made of when it was deleted and why. Articles that are repeatedly removed for speedy deletion purposes can often be viewed as problematic articles, which are more harshly viewed than an article that hasn’t been deleted at all.
Our Advice
Articles that are nominated for Speedy Deletion need help. Contacting us or any Wikipedia specialist for advice is the best move in this scenario. If an article is deleted, then it’s essential you get it right. Getting it wrong a number of times will greatly effect how your article is viewed in the long run, even if it is finally accepted.
While we aim to assist clients in this scenario, we would never use black hat methods to keep their article live.